Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mercury and Aluminum and Squalene, Oh My!

Part 1 of a 3 part series

     Ok, courageous is time.

     Time to address the blazing hot topic of immunzations. Now that the H1N1 vaccine is readily available, there is pressure from all sides to make the best possible decision regarding you and your family's health.

     Last night at our monthly Holistic Moms Meeting, we heard from April Renee (keynote speaker for Educate Before You Vaccinate) and Gary Tunsky. Ms. Renee lost her 4-year old daughter 10 years ago to what she deems Vaccine Induced Damage. She has two healthy, unvaccinated children. Mr. Tunsky is a Certified Nutrition Counselor (CNC) and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND).

     Granted, their message is definitively anti-vaccine; there are no ifs, ands or buts about it. And if you visit the websites, you will see very strong religious convictions and conspiracy theories. However, the vaccine information they laid forth is pretty (or should I say NOT-so-pretty) convincing and well-documented.

     Here is what I considered to be the most eye-opening part of Ms. Renee's talk: the list of vaccine ingredients.

* Anti-freeze
* Formaldehyde
* Aluminum
* Glycerin
* Lead
* Cadmium (a heavy metal)
* Sulfates (preservative)
* Yeast protiens (related to MSG)
* Anti-biotics
* Acetone (yes, that's right...fingernail polish remover)
* Neomycin
* Streptomycin
* Mercury (a.k.a. Thimerasol)
* Monkey kidney
* Dog kidney
* Chick embryo
* Chicken egg
* Duck egg
* Calf serum
* Aborted fetal tissue
* Pig, horse, & sheep blod
* Rabbit brain
* Guinea pig
* Cow heart
* Animal viruses


     I asked myself, "If I go to such great lengths to protect my family from consuming things like MSG in our food, does it make sense that I would pay to have it injected into our bloodstream?"

     Ms. Renee's website is and the other is

     Mr. Tunsky focused primarily on the history and origin of vaccinations. Most interesting was the information on these animal viruses that are now "jumping species" to humans. Apparently it is impossible in nature to find how animals are able to infect humans (otherwise, he noted, we'd be sick all the time from the viruses and bacteria that our pets carry). When vaccines are created in a lab, the infected specimens which carry the illnesses are taken from all these animals mentioned in the above list of vaccines. Then the live viruses are injected into humans, after which our bodies "shed" the vaccines (onto others) as our human systems frantically try to reject the animal virus.

     Hmmm. Another thought provoking point is that when these vaccines are shot directly into the bloodstream, they bypass the body's natural immune defenses, including fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Realistically, the "immunization" actually allows the body very little chance to fight the infection and build up the immune system-- which is why some studies are showing that people who have already had a flu vaccination are more susceptible to catching swine flu (more on that tomorrow).

     Gary Tunsky's website is

    Enough already? Tomorrow I will include information from Dr. Mercola and Mike Adams from Natural News. I'll include dialogue on the vaccine's effectiveness, as well as details on the eye-popping amount of money being made by the pharmaceutical companies on the vaccines.

    Monday we'll talk about what you can do to boost your family's immune systems naturally.

    Be of good cheer! The more education you have, the better you will feel about the choices you make for yourself and your family. This is good news!



  1. Coming from a cultural background where "immunizations" have been the like a legal genocide, I am not eager to inject anything into my children or my bloodstream. If our society is sophisticated enough to contaminate the water supply in minority neighborhoods, who's to say these vaccines won't have a more drastic affect on certain peoples? The possibility of hatred surpasses nature and science when I choose to subject my family to it. I think as long as it is voluntary, I will pass.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Tiffany. What is your cultural background?
